Once you’ve completed an order for a subscription on our website you’ll be able to download the installers for Windows and Mac respectively.
After you’ve completed checkout you’ll see something like this.

From the screen above, you can download either the Windows .exe installer or the Mac OS .pkg installer. Note your “Order Number” – we’re going to need it later.
If you wanted to access the downloads at a later stage you can go to “My Account” in the navigation bar and then go to “Downloads”. If you forgot your password, you can reset the password using the “Lost your password?” link on the “My Account” page. From “My Account” you can access your order number under “Orders” and your downloads under “Downloads”.

Mac #
After you downloaded the ZIP file, you can extract it and install the .pkg file. This will take you through a standard installation that looks as follows:

You can just click Continue and install the plugin, you might be prompted for your password to install the plugin.
Windows #
Premiere Pro #
You can find the plugin within Premiere Pro in the top menu under Window > Extensions.
If you’ve managed to get this far you should see the Automator Plus plugin open in your Premiere Pro workspace.

Next, we’ll look at how to Authorize the plugin.